It table of contents and an extensive preview of the text is available on Google books here Information on the book and where to purchase it are available here This book is a very welcome contribution to the conversations between different Christian expressions about proselytism. It deals not only with Evangelical-Orthodox experiences and understanding of…
This week Archbishop Foley Beach led a delegation from the Anglican Church in North America for formal ecumenical discussions with the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church. They were received in Moscow by HE Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev, Head of the Department of External Church Relations. The Anglican Church in North America is the conservative church…
Thank you to Dr. James Stamoolis for bringing this fascinating item to our attention. Exactly 50 years ago in September 1964 The Churchman (a journal of Anglican theology) published an article by John Pollock entitled simply “In Soviet Central Asia”. In the article John, an Evangelical Anglican, reports on a recent visit to Tashkent and his…
We are very sad to hear of the passing last week of Archpriest Raphael Armour. Fr Raphael was the parish priest of the Russian Orthodox Parish of St Ephraim, and many other things to many people. It was our privilege to have him at our recent consultation at The Hayes in June. Memory eternal! A…
Following a recent meeting of the LOI board, plans are now well advanced for the next major LOI consultation. This will be a regional consultation for leaders from the Middle East and North Africa and will be held in Egypt in November 2019 at the invitation of the Coptic Church. The theme will be Christian…
We have received an invitation and call for papers for an International Conference at Bose, Italy from 21-24 October 2015. St. Andrew’s Biblical Theological Institute of Moscow, Russia announces an international conference co-organized with Monastery of Bose in Magnano, Italy on October 21-24, 2015. The theme of the conference is “History and Theology: Historical Conciousness as…