Discipleship and Spiritual Formation: LOI 2018 Regional Consultation

LOI is pleased to announce details of this year’s North American regional consultation, scheduled for 5-7 June at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Theological Seminary, Brookline, MA. The theme is ‘Discipleship and Spiritual Formation’, following on from the upcoming CWME gathering in Tanzania. Sessions will explore how our respective traditions form disciples, what resources each has…

LOI Board meets, plans for future

The Coptic Church Centre at Stevenage in England was, as usual, the venue for the annual residential meeting of the LOI Board. The main item we discussed was next year’s consultation, scheduled for 5-8 June at Holy Cross Orthodox Seminary near Boston. The theme is ‘Discipleship’, following on from the upcoming CWME gathering in Tanzania….

Anglicans, Oriental Orthodox, the Holy Spirit and the Mission of the Church

An International Commission of Anglicans and Oriental Orthodox has just issued an agreed statement on the work of the Holy Spirit and its relation to the Church’s mission. For more on this story, see: https://dublin.anglican.org/news/2017/10/27/anglican-and-orientalorthodox-churches-sign. The story is given poignancy by the present situation and sufferings of many Oriental Orthodox Christians, for which concern was…

Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide

The Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide (CCCW; https://www.cccw.cam.ac.uk/) is seeking to appoint a Director to serve from January 2018. Applications are invited by 19 October 2017 from candidates who wish to promote the understanding of and engagement with Christian mission and World Christianity. This is an excellent opportunity for a creative and enterprising individual with a strong…

A Recent Doctoral Work on Orthodox-Evangelical Dialogue in North America Danut Manastireanu Rev. Ovidiu Dorin Druhora, minister of a Romanian Pentecostal church in Los Angeles, has defended in 2016, at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University in Bucharest, Romania, his doctoral research titled ‘Protestantism and Orthodoxy in North America: Dichotomy and Ecumenical Dialogue’,…