Information, Formation, Transformation: the way ahead for Orthodox-Evangelical dialogue?

Danut Manastireanu writes: Rev. Ovidiu Dorin Druhora, a Romanian Pentecostal serving in Los Angeles, USA, has just published, in Romanian, the result of his doctoral research on Evangelical–Orthodox relations in America. The book, for which the author kindly asked me to write the Afterword, is titled The Case for Dialogue: Protestantism and Orthodoxy [Pledoarie pentru…

Call for Papers. Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism: Contemporary Issues in Global Perspective

Brad Nassif and Tim Grass have been invited to guest-edit a special issue of an online academic journal, Religions (ISSN 2077-1444) on the theme ‘Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism: Contemporary Issues in Global Perspective’. Since the 1990s, the Eastern Orthodox and Protestant Evangelical communities have had more direct contacts with each other than at any other time. This…

‘Christ to the Children’: Evangelicals and Orthodox working together

One valuable publication for Evangelicals and Orthodox looking to work together in mission is the East-West Church Report, which has been appearing quarterly since 1993. Mark R. Elliott, its founding editor, has been an active participant in the work of LOI. He has now been succeeded by Geraldine Fagan. To find out more, and to…

New Evangelical Co-chair for LOI

At our recent consultation, Grace Mathews, who has served as Evangelical co-chair of LOI, handed on the baton to Leslie Doll. Grace writes: The Lausanne Orthodox Initiative (LOI) was born at Cape Town 2010 (CT) through its focus articulated in the Spirit of Lausanne (to be H.I.S church in humility, integrity and simplicity), and its…

You can now share in the blessings of our recent consultation in Egypt, by going to the web page at There is a gallery of pictures, and by clicking on the names of speakers in the programme you can download PDFs of their talks. We shall add more as they come in, so check…

LOI 2019 consultation, Wadi el Natrun: ‘a life-changing event’

‘I wanted to thank you for that miraculous opportunity, a life-changing event where the Presence of the Lord was felt enormously among the members of the One Church’. Those are the words of one participant, and they reflect the sense felt by many that the Holy Spirit was at work. It had been a challenging…

New book notice : Ethiopia – Orthodox/Evangelical relations

Perception and Identity A Study of the Relationship between the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and Evangelical Churches in Ethiopia Ethiopia is an icon of freedom and indigenous Christianity across Africa due to its historic independence, ancient Christian identity and rich religious heritage. However, Ethiopia and its various Christian denominations have their own understandings of this identity…