New Syrian Orthodox Patriarch

In the week that the UN registered its one millioneth Syrian refugee the Syrian Orthodox Church has elected one of its Archbishops from the USA as the new Patriarch of Antioch and all the East. This follows the recent death of Patriarch Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas. The new head of the church, His Eminence…

Top Mission Journal profiles LOI

The April 2014 edition of the International Bulletin of Missionary Research (IBMR) published today, carries an important article entitled “Historic Meeting in Albania between Orthodox and Evangelicals to Discuss Mission”. The article by Dr Jim Stamoolis and Dr. Brad Nassif, two of the participants at the LOI consultation at St. Vlash Monastery last September, explains how…

Syrian Patriarch dies

It was announced this morning that His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I (pictured), the Syrian Patriarch of Antioch and all the East died of a massive heart attach whilst receiving treatment in Germany.  He was enthroned as the 122nd Patriarch on 14 September 1980 in St. George’s Patriarchal Cathedral in Damascus in succession to Patriarch…


Today we are making available to you another paper by Dr. Chris Wright. This one picks up a topic which will be central to our discussions at the second LOI consultation in Albania this coming September – Conversion.  Drawing on his wide expertise in both Old and New Testament studies, Dr. Wright, looks closely at…

IOCS Summer Conference

The Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies in Cambridge, UK, has announced its annual conference, taking place between 8-10 September 2014, at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. The conference will address the topic: Logos – Cosmos – Eros: Horizons and Limitations of Russian Religious Philosophy. The aim of the conference is twofold. First, it discusses and evaluates the…

Integral Mission

The well known evangelical missiologist, Dr. Chris Wright (pictured), who sadly was unable to address the LOI consultation in Albania last year has kindly shared with us two papers on mission which we will publish on this website.  The first, downloadable here, relates to last year’s consultation and is entitled : Integral Mission and the Great…

Orthodox Mission in Japan

Dr. Darrell Jackson, who gave the key note address on an evangelical understanding of mission at the 2013 LOI consultation, has just alerted us to a new book.  He writes … I’ve recently ordered a copy of ‘After Nicholas: self-realisation in the Japanese Orthodox Church’ published late 2013, and I’m rather excited by it! You…

Egypt 2013

Lausanne Orthodox Initiative Collaboration in Mission EGYPT June 2013 You can download a PDF of this report here Orthodox and evangelicals each have a rich and unique missions history but no modern history of collaborating in missions together.  The Lausanne Orthodox Initiative leadership, in keeping with its goal to work towards better understanding, cooperation, and…


Pray peace for Ukraine

As violence escalates in Kiev and speads to other parts of Ukraine, church leaders within the country and outside have appealed for a peaceful settlement to the current crisis. Churches are also providing practical help. St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Kiev (pictured) is now functioning as an emergency hospital. Sadly church leaders from different traditions…

Can you write on mission?

We have just heard from Prof Daniel Munteanu inviting papers for the Journal of Orthodox Theology (see This is an on-line open access journal. Looking at their back issues I see it is a long time since they published anything on missiology.  So here is the challenge … Would any of you who were…