ED-Lausanne-frontLast November we featured a book on Orthodox mission published by Regnum Press. This summer Regnum have produced a companion volume on the Lausanne Movement. Both books make excellent background reading for all of us engaged in the Lausanne Orthodox Initiative.

Introducing the new volume, Regnum Press say, “The Lausanne Movement has since 1974 functioned as a platform and forum for Evangelical leaders from various geographical and confessional strands. This year it will celebrate its 40th anniversary.

“This volume brings together voices about both The Lausanne Movement and on the Cape Town Congress in 2010. It gives a broad perspective on the development of and reflection on mission and evangelism among Evangelicals, with a particular focus on the Lausanne movement. It contains chapters about the historical, theological and missiological background and discusses key issues and concepts of Lausanne as they have emerged over the years since 1974. It offers links to and reflections on Cape Town and on Lausanne. Critical views of Cape Town and Lausanne are also included, aiming at opening up a dialogue with other views on evangelism and mission.”

Copies can be ordered from the Regnum Press website

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