Orthodox & Evangelical Journeys II: Continuing Conversations about journeys between Evangelical and Orthodox traditions

About this event

Christian faith is a journey which sometimes takes us across traditions, an experience that lies at the heart of the Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative (LOI). LOI has organised this Zoom gathering to follow up on our event last March, to stimulate conversations about spiritually enriching journeys, especially people’s accounts of encounters between the Evangelical and Orthodox Christian traditions.

This event will open with an interview with Dr Alison-Ruth Kolosova, originally from the UK but now working in an Orthodox parish in Chuvashia in the Volga region of Russia.

We will then break out into smaller groups for half an hour where participants will be encouraged to share their own encounters, following which chosen individuals from each group will be invited to share with the whole group.

You can register for this free event at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/orthodox-and-evangelical-journeys-ii-tickets-159874042565.

When you register you will be invited to answer a few questions about your interest in the meeting, and ask you to consider sharing your own story.

The main presentations from the event will be recorded, and made available through the LOI website, the small groups will not be recorded.

Once tickets are ‘sold out’, we will operate a waiting list. If you add your name to the list, we can release tickets to you as tickets become available, even after the event starts, if people do not join the meeting.

 Orthodox and Evangelical Journeys II image
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