Past Consultations

  • 2024 LOI at Lausanne 4 Seoul

    A group of Orthodox leaders nominated by LOI attended the L4 gathering in Seoul in September 2024, along with others involved with LOI.

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  • 2023 Witnessing Communities and New Horizons

    Our theme of Witnessing Communities and New Horizons sought to deepen our understanding of our identity, home and pilgrimage as diverse Christian communities that are together members of the one Body of Christ in the UK. The challenge came from the presence of communities that have migrated to the UK, bringing their vibrant Christian faith,…

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  • 2022 Alaska Regional Consultation

    In the autumn of 2022 a small group met in Anchorage to talk together about the mission of God in Alaska and exploring ways in which Orthodox and Evangelical Christians can work together in mission

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  • 2022 Salzburg: Engaging with Scripture

    An international group of delegates met to discuss engaging with scripture, and how the Orthodox and Evangelical traditions can learn from each other

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  • 2019 Consultation: Christian Witness

    The consultation was held in Egypt from 5-8 November 2019, at the invitation of the Coptic Church. The theme was taken from Philippians 1:27, and the gathering was structured round a series of Bible studies on Paul’s letter. For an overview of how the theme developed, see the closing reflections below.

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  • 2018 Consultation: Discipleship and Christian Formation

    From 5-7 June, about 60 participants gathered at the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, just outside Boston in the USA. LOI expresses warm thanks to all who helped to host us so generously, especially Fr Luke Veronis and the Missions Institute of Orthodox Christianity.

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  • 2017 Consultation: Theological Formation for Mission

    We gathered in Cambridge in 2017 for a consultation specially focused on theological education.

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  • 2016 Consultation: Horn of Africa Regional Consultation

    Witness, Peace and Unity Content for: LOI Horn of Africa Consultation Date: 11-14 October Location Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2016 Consultation Contents

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  • 2015 Consultation: Mission as Good News

    Around 65 Orthodox (both Oriental and Eastern) and Evangelical Leaders attended at the invitation of His Beatitude Archbishop Leo of Karelia and All Finland and the Evangelical Alliance of Finland. Many topics were considered but four of the most critical were: What is the Gospel? What makes the Gospel Good News? How do we communicate…

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  • 2014 Consultation: Mission Issues

    This was not a conference or colloquium with specialist speakers but rather an opportunity for genuine consultation. For this reason considerable time was given to small group discussions, both formal and informal, which formed an important part of our interaction together. Bible Study and Prayer were an important part of our time together. Each morning one…

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