Thessaloniki Summer School

The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki have announced a very interesting three week summer school for 2014 under the title “Learning about Orthodox Theology, past and present”.  It will take place from 23 June to 12 July 2014 and will be taught in English. Full details can be seen here  Summer School

Holistic Care – Evangelicals and Orthodox work together

Recently we heard from Pam Dandre in Ukraine who tells us her own story about Evangelicals and Orthodox working together in mission. She writes about a recent conversation with a friend who is Protestant-turned-Orthodox and will soon be a missionary in Mongolia. Pam writes, “We have been dialoguing about some of the doctrines and traditions within…

Orthodox and Baptist Relations in Georgia

Dr. Paul Fiddes and Bishop Malkhaz Songulashvili (Baptists from the UK and Georgia respectively) have recently published an interesting article on “A dialogue between the Orthodox Church of Georgia and the ‘Evangelical Christian-Baptists’ of Georgia (1979-1980) with its wider Baptist context” in the International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church.  This dialogue was…

John Tavener dies

Sir John Tavener, the internationally acclaimed Orthodox composer, died today aged 69. Tavener was best known for his religious music, and joined the Russian Orthodox Church in 1977. His Orthodox faith and the rituals of the church exerted a huge influence on his work. He was however much appreciated by Christians from other traditions and his…

Abducted Syrian bishops located

The Lebanese National News Agency is reporting that two Syrian bishops who were abducted in April this year have been location although it may take time to negotiate their release. Brigadier General Abbas Ibrahim, Lebanese General Security Chief, revealed that he received information concerning the location of the two kidnapped Syrian bishops, Archbishop Bolous Yazigi…

Regnum books publish on Orthodox mission

Regnum books have just published a compendium of articles on Orthodox Mission in their Edinburgh 2010 series. Orthodox Perspectives on Mission is both a humble tribute to some great Orthodox theologians, who in the past have provided substantial contribution to contemporary missiological and ecumenical discussions, and an Orthodox input to the recent 2013 Busan WCC General…

Evangelism, Proselytism and Ethics

Stephen Hayes has just written an interesting short article on the differences between evangelism and proselytism – from his Orthodox perspective – on his blog. Click here to read it.  If you have not come across Stephen before he is an Orthodox missiologist based in South Africa who hosts a missiology Yahoo group and writes…

United to serve prisoners

We have just heard this encouraging news from Albania. Last week Orthodox and Evangelical leaders who work in prisons in Albania were able to meet together (perhaps for the first time?) to share common concerns and learn from each other. One Evangelical leader comments, “It was a very pleasant time together, studying several aspects on…