
Pray peace for Ukraine

As violence escalates in Kiev and speads to other parts of Ukraine, church leaders within the country and outside have appealed for a peaceful settlement to the current crisis. Churches are also providing practical help. St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Kiev (pictured) is now functioning as an emergency hospital. Sadly church leaders from different traditions…

Can you write on mission?

We have just heard from Prof Daniel Munteanu inviting papers for the Journal of Orthodox Theology (see www.orthodox-theology.com). This is an on-line open access journal. Looking at their back issues I see it is a long time since they published anything on missiology.  So here is the challenge … Would any of you who were…

Evangelical Assembly cancelled

In a shock statement today the World Evangelical Alliance has announced the cancellation  of its planned global Assembly in October this year. The global community of Evangelicals have been planning for several years to meet in Seoul, South Korea, bringing together up to 7,000 particpants under the theme “Following Jesus Christ into the World”. Today’s statement…

Come and See

An Orthodox parish priest from North Carolina, USA, has just published a very interesting book on mission. Fr. Edward Rommen is the priest of Holy Tranfiguration Orthodox Church (within the Orthodox Church in America) in Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina as well as serving as adjunct professor at the Divinity School of Duke University. Having trained in…

2014 Consultation

Plans are now well in hand for the Second LOI consultation which will again be held in Albania at the invitation of His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios.  This year we expect around 55 Orthodox and Evangelical leaders to gather for a week in September. Invitations went out last month and already a good number of people…

Albania – the place of Christians

One of the participants at the 2013 LOI Consultation has returned to Albania to discuss the rights of Christians with the President of the country. The Ambassador for Human Rights of the World Evangelical Alliance and Director of the International Institute for Religious Freedom, Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher, presented the concerns of Christians in a one-hour meeting…

Filioque – Spicing up the Trinity

One of the key note speakers from the 2013 Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative Consultation, Dr. Brad Nassif,  has an interesting article in the current edition of Christianity Today. He writes about the theological convoversy concerning the Filioque, which has divided the Church for over 1,500 years. Reflecting on his grandmother’s recipe for hummus he suggests that this issue…

Orthodox-Anglican student swap?

The Ecumenical Patriarch said today he hoped for a continuing exchange of Orthodox and Anglican students to aid the two Churches’ relationship. His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew was speaking today during his welcome of the Anglican Communion’s spiritual head Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby. He said, “In the past, the rapprochement between our two Churches…

Anglican Archbishop visits Ecumenical Patriarch

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will visit His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in Istanbul today (13 January 2014). Archbishop Justin is from an Evangelical background (having worshipped for several years at Holy Trinity, Brompton, home of the Alpha Course).  Responding warmly to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew’s invitation to visit he noted the important contributions His…