Searching for Mystery in the Mission of God

A review of The Mission of the Church: Five views in conversation edited by Craig Ott                  (Published by Baker Academic 2016) In the style and tradition of “Three views of Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism” edited by Brad Nasif et al., Craig Ott has now brought together five significant missiologists from major Christian traditions to reflect […]

Jetlag and Interviews

Tim was in Chicago from 19-26 April for a week’s meetings about LOI, and he and others were interviewed by John Maddex for an Ancient Faith Radio podcast. You can listen to it at: The group planning our consultations had a productive day advancing preparations not only for this year’s gathering in Cambridge but […]

LOI Committee excited by the future

The LOI does much of its organization during a 3-day residential committee each year. We met at the Coptic Centre, Stevenage, from 16-18 January, at the kind invitation of His Grace Bishop Angaelos. The welcoming environment and home cooking provided an excellent setting for us to pray, think, and discuss together. Among other things, we […]

New doctoral thesis on the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius

The Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius has provided many in the English-speaking world with an excellent meeting-point for Christians from Eastern and Western traditions, and in particular between Orthodox and Anglicans. A new Ph.D. thesis by Dimitrios Salapatas, a student at the University of Winchester, outlines and evaluates the bridge-building work of the Fellowship. […]

A Message from His Holiness Patriarch Matthias I

During our recent gathering in Addis Ababa, we were delighted to receive the following message of greeting from His Holiness Patriarch Matthias I, head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. In the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Sprit, One God, Amen! “Behold how good and pleasant it is when brothers […]

Statement of Intent from LOI Regional Consultation in Ethiopia

The LOI Regional Consultation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia concluded today by issuing the following Statement of Intent. Download PDF version here Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative Regional Consultation, Addis Ababa 11-14 October 2016 (1-4 Tikemt 2009) Statement of Intent Sixty Orthodox and Evangelical Church leaders, theologians and mission workers gathered in Addis Ababa for a Regional Consultation at […]

Looking forward to our Addis Ababa consultation

I have been so busy with getting ready for this that I have not posted for several weeks, but on behalf of the committee and participants I would like to request your prayers for this gathering. We meet from 11-14 October – next week! At least half the sixty people present will be from Ethiopia, […]

Prayer for the Care of Creation

Thursday 1 September is the Global Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation when Orthodox, Evangelical, Catholic and other Christian communities around the world come together to pray for God’s good earth and our responsible use of His gift to us. Please see the background to this day and resources for prayer here and […]

New Book on Preaching in Ethiopian Orthodoxy

Keon-Sang An, An Ethiopian Reading of the Bible: Biblical Interpretation of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church, American Society of Missiology Monograph Series Book 25 (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2015). ISBN 978-1-498220699; also available on Kindle This book gives a good background to the multiple influences on the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, and the way in which […]

The new facilitator introduces himself

Hello! Since LOI came into being, Mark Oxbrow has done a fantastic job in getting it established. It’s a challenging prospect, then, to be taking over from him as he prepares for upcoming retirement. But I’m committed to seeing this dialogue prosper under God’s direction. I have been active in Orthodox-Evangelical dialogue for almost 20 […]