With sorrow, many of us have followed the development of the conflict in Ethiopia. That sorrow is mixed with concern for those we know and care for in that country, especially as we have benefited from Ethiopian involvement in LOI’s work for a number of years. We also hosted an Orthodox-Evangelical consultation in Addis Ababa during 2016, and our leaders were granted an audience with the patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, Abuna Matthias.

Whilst we would not presume to pronounce on the rights and wrongs of these tragic events, we can commend the situation to our God.

Let us pray for all who seek to work for peace and justice; for those who seek to provide practical aid to those bereaved, traumatized, wounded, displaced, or in any way affected by events; for those of all faiths who are working for peace; for those in authority at national, regional, and local levels; and for those who bear arms.

Let us pray for the whole country, especially for the region of Tigray, and for neighbouring countries.

Let us pray for the mission of God in Ethiopia.

Lord, have mercy!

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