OCMS is running a series of lectures on Orthodox Mission. They are at 2pm UK time, online, and open to all who wish to attend.

7 September: Sebastian Brock: The Church of the East in Central and East Asia: texts and translations – a historical view of mission in the Church of the East

14 September:  Michael Nazir-Ali: Anglicans and Orthodox in the Middle East

21 September: Fr Cristian Sonea: Secularism and Mission in Romania

28 September: Dr Alison-Ruth Kolosova: Nikolai Ilminskii and Orthodox mission among the Turkic and Finno-Ugric peoples of the Mid-Volga in the pre-revolutionary period

5 October: Fr Michael Oleksa: A Brief Historical Overview and the Current Status of the Orthodox Mission in Alaska

12 October: Ralph Lee: Language and Mission in Oriental Christianity

For links and further information, go to:  https://www.ocms.ac.uk/get-involved/attend-an-event/

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